Holy Hartford!
/Caz Williams would like to freak you out today — and what better way than by ruining the untouchable Hartford Whalers?
Caz Williams would like to freak you out today — and what better way than by ruining the untouchable Hartford Whalers?
Caz Williams was struck with inspiration while listening to the soundtrack of the movie Drive.
"I realized that the script used on the poster reminded me of the font the Lightning used during the early nineties," Caz writes. The poster also utilized black, cyan and magenta which is where this unusual color scheme originated.
Don't really think there's anything left to say. But how can you not just stare at this?
It's another Freak Out Friday and Caz Williams has done it again. I feel like I don't really have to say any more than that. I guess the only question is, Canucks fans, how much would you pay for this sweater? Don't lie.
Sometimes I need to remind myself that Freak Out Friday isn't only for designs that are so freaky they should never be used. Sometimes it's for jerseys that are so freaky they simply must be used! Caz Williams has the latter in this week's installment. Who doesn't think this would look amazing on the ice in Raleigh?
Caz Williams is not bound by your horizontal lines. He scoffs at them. He also finds himself the star of this week's Freak Out Friday. Do enjoy.