Poll: Guide GFB's New Rebrand

By about a 100 votes, you guys chose the Buffalo Sabres as the subject of Matt's concept series, Rebranding The NHL. The point of my partnership with him is to allow you guys to guide the direction of his work since, after all, this is for the fans anyway. You guys know what you want and Matt knows how to make it look great.

So as he gets started on creating a new look for the Sabres, let him know what color scheme he should go with. Do you want the royal blue, yellow and white of the '70s? Should it be the new navy, yellow, silver and white of the Buffaslug era? Would you want to see something more along the lines of what John Slabyk introduced with navy, gold and white? Or did you love the "goathead" era of blue, red, silver and white?

Place your vote and then feel free to leave a comment about your decision. Get your friends to drop in and vote too! The more voices heard, the more accurate the results!

This poll will close at 6 PM a week from today on Tuesday, May 20. So get your votes in now.

If you're thinking Matt should go with an entirely new color scheme or you have other suggestions regarding logos, uniforms, or the general direction of this new design, you can even email him directly at gfb_designs@yahoo.com.

Happy voting!