One Million Hits!
/Not to detract from the obvious big news of the day, but I wanted to mention that today, the blog broke the seven-digit barrier in the hits category.
I took that screenshot of my stats page earlier today. As of this moment, the all-time hit count is 1,051,336. You guys are really awesome! Thanks for visiting. If you'd like to show your support, click on any of the ads in the sidebar. I'd like to say any money I make will go back into the blog. But this blog doesn't cost anything to make.
So I've decided to spend it on a trip to Canada next year. I've always wanted to visit you guys up there. Florida sucks. And I figure there's no better way. Send me to Canada! Check out the ads, if you're so inclined.
Anyway, once again, thank you all for visiting. I've had a blast making this blog!