Simply Detroit

Scott Dempsey treats us to a minimalist Red Wings jersey that could look pretty sharp in a future outdoor game.


Today's Freak Out Friday foursome comes from Felix Puchinsky, who takes a stab at making minimalist logos for some untouchable NHL identities.

Avs Inspired By Rockies

Alex Stockman makes his Concepts page debut today with a unique cross between the Avalanche and Rockies.

Montreal Third

It's rare we see the Montreal Canadiens represented here because no one wants to mess with tradition. But that's what the Concepts page is all about. So here's Tristan Mani with a third jersey suggestion for the Habs that doesn't go against tradition at all.

Basic Bruins

Anthony Cinerari has a simplified Boston Bruins set for us here. I'm not sure I like the lack of shoulder yokes and the broken waist stripes are definitely a mistake. But if you look past that, would this not make a great home-road-third jersey set for the B's?