A Canucks Solution

If the Vancouver Canucks ever decide to switch to a uniform kit that they'll never have to change again, something like this one by Thierry Dick would definitely do the trick.
If the Vancouver Canucks ever decide to switch to a uniform kit that they'll never have to change again, something like this one by Thierry Dick would definitely do the trick.
What do you think of Thierry Dick's simplified color palette for the Minnesota Wild?
What do you say we give the Arizona Coyotes a new set of uniforms that better fit their logo and history? Thierry Dick has just the thing.
Thierry Dick has a pretty solid simplification of the Nashville Predators' uniforms for us. It's not trying to be traditional, but it still feels like a hockey sweater. What do you think?
I know I've said it before but I never cease to be amazed by the phenomenal concepts fans can come up with for the Ottawa Senators. I say I'm amazed because even now the Sens are still one of the worst-dressed teams in the NHL.
The latest in the string of top-notch designs comes from Thierry Dick, who's gone back to the team's original logo for his three-sweater set. Very well done.