0365: Shane O'Beautys Hockey Club
First, Happy 1st Birthday to the new Icethetics concepts page! Today marks a full year since the re-launch of the page and the addition of daily concept posts.
Last weekend, we started a new concept series called Beer League Sundays. After that post, Max Young wrote in and asked to have his beer league team featured on the page. And it was too good to pass up.
I'm just emailing in response to your call for submissions for beer league concepts. I've attached the home and away jerseys I designed for my beer league roller hockey team 'Shane O'Beautys Hockey Club' (named after all around beaut Shane O'Brien). The dark jerseys are our home jerseys from last season (I've also attached a team photo to show the jerseys in action) while the light jerseys are our new away kits for our second season.
I'm a big fan of the site and it would be awesome if these could get on there.
What do you guys think? Let the O'Beautys know by rating their jersey designs. And if you've designed one for your team that you'd like to see featured, send it along.