St. Louis Blues unveil new home and road uniforms for 2014-15

Our long wait ended as the St. Louis Blues officially unveiled new home and road uniforms Monday night at the Blues Ice Breaker event. The updated look will hit the ice for the first time this fall.
For those following the proceedings on Twitter, some of the thunder was taken out of the big reveal when photos of the jerseys were leaked an hour before the start of the event.
The Blues' new look follows a trend in recent years across the NHL — and hockey in general — to return to traditional style uniform design.
Some would argue the Blues were among the teams hit hardest by Reebok's push to modernize sweater designs in 2007. Here, the team reverts back a jersey not unlike what they wore prior that.
Gone is the unsightly apron-string piping. Back are the horizontal waist and sleeve stripes. And remaining unchanged is the classic Blue Note.
If you haven't yet guessed, I'm a huge fan of the new sweaters. Just as I was back in July when I got my first glimpse and shared the details with you.
From the team's press release:
Constructed from all the latest advanced materials of the Reebok Edge 2.0 system, the jersey's diagonal color striping on the sleeves has been straightened for a simplified, cleaner aesthetic. The same effect has been achieved with the return of stripes along the waistline.
It's definitely cleaner.
By the way, in case you missed the live stream of the Blues Ice Breaker, I wanted to point out some items from Brett Hull's appearance.

In preparation for the jersey reveal, the team chose to lower expectations by reminding us of a time when the Blues wore red. In other words, the new look can't be any worse than this, right?
Luckily, there was no need for low expectations and it served as a fun trip down memory lane nonetheless. I thought it was funny that T.J. Oshie told Brett Hull the Gretzky-era jerseys were his favorite. I know very few Icethetics readers would agree with him there.
Now it's your turn to chime in. What do you think of the Blues' new uniforms? Do they work for you?