NHLPA Logo Change Coming?

Will the NHLPA soon be represented by a new logo?

Last week during E3, an eagle-eyed reader spotted something interesting in the demo of the upcoming NHL 14. Well, "interesting" may be a strong word. But painted on the digital ice appears to be a redesigned single-color logo for the NHL Players' Association.

Photo from Frozen Faceoff

You know me. Normally I brush off anything seen in a video game. But there's more to this one. Check out the NHLPA's official website and you'll notice the new skater silhoutte icon at the top of the page. And it looks just like what's visible in the NHL 14 screen shot.

Logo from NHLPA (official website)

The fact that the old one is gone from the header of the organization's official website says a lot. It actually disappeared back in the fall during the lockout when it was replaced by the hashtag, #ThePlayers. But perhaps they're working on a new image that they're not quite ready to run with yet.

Other parts of the website still feature the blue and red logo. I wouldn't expect any big unveiling when they do implement the new design, but it's something to keep an eye on throughout the summer.