Late Night, New Stuff

I've been up late working on the site so I thought I'd point out some of the new stuff I added tonight.

First and most noticeable, there's now a calendar in the sidebar that tells you when each team will be wearing their new third jersey. The nice thing is it's downloadable so you can take it with you on your brand new G1.

The calendar is not comprehensive — yet. I've only added dates through the end of the year. I'll add more soon but some teams haven't released a schedule so we'll just have to keep an eye on them. The calendar even includes the dates for the Canadiens' Centennial Jersey Nights, by the way.

Also added a new page to the Extras element in the sidebar called Goodies. I plan to load that page down with all sorts of cool downloads. There's only one file in there right now but I think most of you will like it. It's a .zip with all 59 glass-textured NHL logo graphics from NHLToL. It's available for personal use but if you use any of them online, I just ask that you link back to Icethetics.

Those graphics have been very popular and have shown up all over the web — especially as message board avatars. I think that's cool and I thought you guys would like having access to all of them in one place.

Other stuff is coming. I think I've nearly got a solution for the way the polls will work. (Thanks to Bobby and Rye!) I anticipate Round 3 will begin on Saturday. Also more concept art is on the way. I've been so busy putting this new site together I feel like I haven't been doing much at all!

Things will get back to normal soon enough. It's still the same Icethetics you've come to know and love — just better.