Dipping Into The Oil
/More concepts! These fan-designed works of art were created for the Edmonton Oilers.
These concepts were created by the same artist who brought us the Chicago Blackhawks jerseys I posted earlier today.
They're very clean designs and would make great uniforms for the Oilers. I especially like the use of the shoulder patch from the third jersey on this set. I don't think it should necessarily replace the crest, but I do like it a lot. I could definitely see them going with something like this.
But I'm not an Oiler fan so it's not really my place to say.
If you're not a fan of the copper, you might enjoy this.
I'm not sure the secondary logo would work at the wrist — being hidden by the gloves. The curvy stripes up the sides are reminscent of the Buffalo Sabres' current sweaters, but not all bad. You could do a lot worse.
I've got one final design for you that eliminates both the copper and red, replacing it with the silver from last year's third jerseys.
I think that's a little too plain. Oiler fans, what really matters is your opinion. See anything you like here? Or does the Oil need an extreme makeover?