What's the best looking series in the NHL playoffs?
/This post is being updated with new material at the top. Scroll down for earlier versions.
UPDATE · Jun 13 · This is it! We've reached the final vote. What was the best-looking series in all of the 2015 Stanley Cup Playoffs? (Either way, the Blackhawks will be involved.)

UPDATE · Jun 2 · We're almost to the end. But before we can decide the best jersey match-up from the 2015 Stanley Cup Playoffs, we first need to determine the winer from the first three rounds. Vote here then check back after the weekend for the big finale!

UPDATE · May 14 · Can you believe the Conference Finals are already here? The playoffs are flying by so let's jump to the next round of polls! Pick the best in this round and the best from the previous two below.

Next week we'll pit the winners from these two polls against each other.
UPDATE · May 6 · Let's see which series looks best in this round. Vote on!

UPDATE · Apr 29 · We're on to Round 2 of the 2015 Stanley Cup Playoffs. Which series is the best looking here? Happy voting!

UPDATE · Apr 26 · Time to determine the best match-up of the first round.

Cast your vote and leave a comment about why you voted the way you did.
Apr 22 · An Icethetics reader named Bill made a suggestion on Twitter.
It got me thinking. Yeah, we should totally do that. Let's pick the best-looking series in the 2015 NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs! Take a look at the match-ups below and pick your favorite from each conference.
This weekend we'll pit the winners against each other and then keep it rolling into June. Enjoy!

The winner of Round 1 will face the winner of Round 2 and so on — so the best looking series could end up being in any round!