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Meet the 2014-15 IceHL Design Council members!

Beginning this season, IceHL design contests will be judged not only by the Icethetics community but also a panel of judges as well as the league commissioner. Together, this group will be known as the IceHL Design Council.

I'm thrilled now to announced our first foursome of judges!

Matt McElroy
Created logos for 7 teams and jerseys for 4 teams

Colin May
Created winning jersey for Montreal Olympiques

John Elbertson
Submitted work to several design contests

Will Sinnott
First participation with IceHL Project

Matt and Colin were selected by a vote of the Icethetics community. John and Will were chosen by me, as IceHL commissioner. I strongly believe these four guys will guide the league's design progress in the best way possible.

Contest winners will be determined by a total of seven votes, broken down as follows.

Each independent member of the Design Council will cast one vote. To avoid possible ties, the community will get an extra vote. Should the winner of the public poll receive less than 55%, the community's two votes will be split between the opponents.

A judge will relinquish his vote to the community if his work is included in a given poll — which will give the community three total votes. (In such a case, a design must exceed 70% of the public poll to earn all three votes, otherwise the will be split 2-1.)

The first vote of the IceHL Design Council will take place this weekend to select the winning designs for the ABC Cup logo and Philadelphia Aces ABC Cup jersey. Stay tuned!