Blues vs Coyotes
The Aesthetics
Let's just get this out of the way. I'm going with the Blues logo here. The Coyotes logo isn't terrible, but nor is it great. They have yet to find a great logo in my opinion.
The Nickname
Coyotes howl and so does a Blues singer for that matter. Fortunately for the Blues man, if he ever had to face a Coyote, perhaps he'd have a saxophone with which to whack it on the head. (Try not to find the logic of a Blues singer carrying a sax into the desert. You'll never get there.)
The Analysis
Even though it probably won't live on as a classic NHL logo a hundred years from now, the Coyotes logo is at least a coyote. Sometimes I think a trumpet or some other musical instrument would be a better fit for the Blues logo. Despit that, I still like the musical note, I just don't quite get the wing attached to it. Anyone?